The Dead Lake by Robin Mahle

The Dead Lake by Robin Mahle

Author:Robin Mahle [Mahle, Robin]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Published: 2023-06-24T16:00:00+00:00

The doctor placed his stethoscope around his neck. “Well, Detective, I think we can get you out of here today. You’re up and walking around. Your vitals are good. I would suggest you take the time to rest at home for the next week or so if you can.”

McCallister returned a truculent gaze.

“But I can see by the look on your face that isn’t likely to happen,” the doctor added. “So, just do me a favor and take it easy, okay? You’ll bust your stitches otherwise, and I don’t want to have to fix you up again. You might not be so lucky a second time.”

“Fair enough, Doc. Thank you.”

“I’ll start processing the discharge papers and have you out of here within the hour.” He started out but stopped and turned back. “You will need someone to pick you up.”

“I can make a call,” McCallister replied.

“All right then.”

After the doctor took his leave, McCallister picked up his phone. “Connor, it’s me. Yeah, I’m all right. Listen, they’re letting me out of here soon. Can I get you to come pick me up? They won’t let me leave on my own, apparently.” He nodded. “Thanks, man. See you soon.”

McCallister sank back down into his bed. Fletch’s warning about the article weighed on his mind. If it was picked up by more news outlets, it could be disastrous for him, his team, and most importantly, Ellis. He knew that Fletch had only meant to protect them all by asking him to stay away from her, but he didn’t know if he could bring himself to do it.

He thought back to the incident and felt a deep sense of regret in the pit of his stomach. It wasn’t something that could ever be forgotten or forgiven. He recalled the protests. The angry faces of the people he was supposed to protect. The way his fellow cops looked at him afterward, like none of them would’ve ever made the same deadly mistake. “Assholes.”

Now he had to worry whether the article would garner the kind of interest that might make others curious, as Fletch had said. How could he protect Ellis from that? The answer was, he couldn’t. “Maybe you’re right, Fletch.”

“You talking to yourself, man?” Bevins walked into the room.

“Hey, thanks for coming,” McCallister replied. “You caught me mumbling.”

“What’s the deal? They get you all checked out and ready to leave?”

“Yep.” McCallister rose and perched on the edge of the bed. “Get me the hell out of here, would you?” He grabbed the small plastic bag that contained his bloodied shirt and jacket.

As they walked out to Bevins’s car, McCallister began, “I need to make things right with the team. That article, it might have us all in a lot of trouble if it gets picked up.”

Bevins unlocked the car door. “We’ll figure it out; don’t sweat it.” He slipped onto the driver’s seat of his black Ford Mustang.

McCallister entered the passenger side and used his good arm to close the door.

“What we need to be worrying about right now is how the hell we find Traynor.


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